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So by now you've read about all of the changes coming to the service, if you haven't I recommend you check out the blog post.

In regards to the blowback recieved, Jack Conte (Patreon's co-founder) posted that they messed up and will have a response for people next week - but they seemed to be set on still going through with this plan judging by the tweets I've read. Lots of talk on twitter about it.

I figured since we have a week until they announce any changes, maybe I could brainstorm some solutions to their problem which cover all of Patreon's current issues as I see them.

So I made up this big image above, do you see any issues or problems with it? Any comments?

I'm kind of at a loss of what else smaller creators can do besides encourage discussion and support, small donations make up a big part of my campaign but we're not that big to begin with.

I'm not sure how to best get it visibility, so if you think it looks good, feel free to share it with people. Maybe we can get some discussion going :B



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