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I deleted the $3 and $15 tiers.


I sent my pictures that I had drew to a $15 donor.

Email reference


I thought that deleting a tier would automatically cancel the sponsorship.

However, I think you will have to cancel your sponsorship separately.

Or maybe you need to change to the $5 tier.

I'm really sorry, thank you for your understanding

Below is the answer from the site.

Hi there. Thanks for reaching out.

If you delete a tier with patrons in it, the patrons in that tier will not be automatically moved to a different tier-they will keep their $15 membership but they will be in a No Tier category.

Patrons will have to move into a different tier by manually editing their membership and tier. That said, if patrons are seeing issues with accessing posts, you can refer them to this article: https://bit.ly/37qZ3tg.


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