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  • Draenei_monster1.webm



When Botanist Taerix was tasked with handling the volatile mutations in Azuremyst Isle, she devoted herself fully to the job. She had a theory on how to resolve the problem, but she needed a specific type of sample from the creatures to confirm it. Unfortunately, there was only one way she could think of to extract the sample from them. While she readied herself for the act, she was definitely not ready for just how much sample she was about to collect...


So this animation is a weird one. I almost didn't share it, but figured I may as well since some folks might like it. The full version is attached to this post, and the individual angles can be found in the archive.

This was the result of an exercise where I wanted to test the full pipeline of creating a model and using it in animation. I started with exporting a creature from the game files, modifying it (i.e. slapping on a cock), porting it into my animation software, and then actually using it in an animation. It was meant as a quickie and is definitely not my best work. However, I did have fun with the practical effects and overall, it was a great learning experience.

My theory is this: to be able to put together a good model one day, I need to make many, many shitty models first. So I'm hoping to do more of these experiments from time to time, and I'll probably be choosing random creatures from the game (both male and female).

The creature in this animation was chosen because it was "naked" by default (things that have clothes/armor usually don't have a body modeled under them), and I recall an old animation by Ambrosine92 that used this creature so you can blame them for planting the seed in my head. The resulting model here is complete dogshit, since I specifically didn't want to spend too much time on it and just wanted to experience the full workflow. I would've liked to use a more monster-y penis to better fit the creature as well, so sculpting my own would've been awesome - yet another thing to hopefully learn one day!

With a new expansion coming out soon, I believe these modeling skills will only become more and more important. This is what will allow me to keep up with current characters and providing you animations based on fresh content. We still have a lot of work to do, but I can assure you that I'm hard at work here and I'm hoping to have something else for you soon that should have more mass appeal 😉

Thanks again for all of your amazing support, and please let me know what you think of this "monster" content! I'm sure it won't be for everyone, but I often find myself thinking up these kinds of situations from the game and I'm curious if it's something I should try to do more often in the future.




Hope to see a demonic imp pumping into a noble vindicator


There can never be enough Draenei

The Sha of Quarantine

Draenei + monsters = Good shit ...just wish there'd been a creampie...but that's my kink XD

The Big Derp

someday we'll see a panda! :D

Not your bussines

Amazing work! Hope to see more monster content!