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Update 8/12: I've decided to conduct a second poll for this month due to the two top ideas having the same number of votes, and most of the other ideas getting a lot of votes as well.


Hello patrons! It's time for this month's animation poll where we have 8 patron ideas to vote on. You can vote for as many ideas as you like and after 3 days, I'll make a judgement call whether a second poll is needed or not to determine a clear winner. I will update this post with the outcome when this poll closes.

Which of the following ideas would you like me to work on next?



The Big Derp

so many people go with Jaina >.< so overused imo :x


Hehe the poster girls and known characters are definitely more popular usually, but I'm also pleasantly surprised at how many votes the Talanji idea currently has too! (I imagine the poster probably helped with that though)


Jaina is fine and all,but there are already 2 recent animations of her,maybe give it some time,yknow,the whole too much and you'd get bored of it entirely after awhile.


I agree that there's been a lot of Jaina recently, but these are ideas submitted and voted on by patrons so if that's what the people want, I will deliver! There will also be at least 2 different animations done before this as well


Honestly everyone saying Jaina is overused I don’t agree. Many people attempt to animate Jaina but none can match the animations Lawnmower pull up with. I’d see Jaina animated by you a thousand times more. Bring it 😍


Huh..looks like it might be down to another sudden death-esque poll...


Yeah that's what I'm thinking - not only because of the Jaina and Talanji ideas being so close, but the other ideas got so many votes as well... It makes me sad that I can't do all of them, but I want to at least give those folks a chance to vote for which idea they prefer between the two