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Hi everyone, I just wanted to give you a heads up that I will be attempting to enable Patreon's charge upfront feature next Wednesday on April 20th. This means that you will now pay on the 1st of the month for access on that month (instead of only paying at the end of the month as it is currently). If you are an actual supporter, this basically changes nothing for you. This change is targeted at new patrons.

The reason I am making this change is because while the majority of patrons are great and actually support me, there are a few folks who just sign up temporarily, download everything from the archive, and then unsub without ever being charged. This isn't fair to me, and it isn't fair to you, my actual supporters. Why be the creepy window guy from the image above when you can be in the room?

These people may think they are being clever and gaming the system, but I actually see what they're doing every time. Some have the gall to do it repeatedly every month and even vote in polls lol. I didn't mind too much at first when I was new and didn't have much content to offer in my backlog, but now I think I am more established and have a decent amount of animations in the archive that warrants the upfront charge.

I also believe it's important to maintain these exclusive perks for you because without you, there is no content. You are literally funding new content and I think you deserve exclusive access to it. I still share parts of my work publicly in full resolution without any annoying watermarks and all that, so everyone else can enjoy it too. I think this is fair.

If you are thinking of upgrading tiers at some point, feel free to review the perks and reach out to me if you need any clarification first. With this change, you will be charged the difference immediately upon upgrading, and I don't want anyone being charged unexpectedly if they weren't sure about it.

I hope you can understand why I'm making this change, and feel free to reach out to me in the comments below or via private message on Patreon/Discord if you have any issues with this.

Here is Patreon's FAQ page about this feature as well, in case you wanted to read more about it: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/210291283-How-does-charge-upfront-billing-work 

A reminder that if you are already a patron at the time the change is made, you will not be affected. You will simply be charged on the first of next month as if nothing happened.

Thanks again for your generous support, I really appreciate it!




completely understandable, everyone deserves their fair payment for the work they deliver.


Damn you really made those dipshits bald as fuck. Can't get any bitches with that hair!

Leafy Druid

For sure! I understand why you'd be doing this.