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Part 2

Orgasmed to the point of exhaustion, Anna managed to unclip her cuffs and turn off the wand. After this she closed her eyes and relaxed. The boat was left drifting in the pool with Anna completely flopped in it. Which in turn meant that she could hear very little of what was around her, not that she had the energy to listen.

Unknown to Anna, Elsa had returned, she had a glance around the door to the swimming pool area, hoping to take advantage of any situation that Anna had put herself in. Closing the door to get changed and as any noise she made would disturb Anna.

Elsa quickly stripped off all her clothes, not knowing how much time she might have. Grabbing hold of a pair of rubber pants with a very long and wide dildo in them, she lubes it up and with some quick sliding hand movements along the dildo. Pulling them up her legs, it was rather easy to insert the dildo into place. There was a few sharp intakes of breath and slight groans as the intruder rubbed against her sensitive parts. Once the pants were on she slipped into a PVC dark blue rain jacket and trousers which gave her body a glossy look. A big decision of which lifejacket to use was tricky but she wanted maximum excitement so opted for two, a foam one and an inflatable one.

This made things a little more complicated and time consuming to put on but would be worth it. Placing her arms through the holes of the foam lifejacket and pulling it up over her shoulders. Next zipping it up, followed by the connecting the buckle strap together and tightening the strap. The final bit of tightening was the pulling through and between her legs, ‘the crotch strap’ which was connected at the front / bottom part of the lifejacket.

With the foam life jacket nice and tight, pressing the PVC against her skin as well as the crotch strap pushing the intruder between her legs in that little bit tighter. Now for the inflatable life jacket, before she put it on, Elsa removed the automatic inflation bobbins, as she did not want it to inflate in the water on getting in. Carefully pulling the life jacket over her arms and around her shoulders, followed by tightening all the straps. The inflatable life jacket hugged her foam one firmly, the two crotch straps added to the single one from the foam jacket creating a very tight and pushing sensation in her crotch. Elsa was feeling the pleasures growing more and more intense.

Finally some armbands, a pair of adult size bema ones, inflating the outer chamber before pushing her arms through them until in place on her upper arms. Elsa could then inflate the inner chamber on them, feeling snug on her arms.

Now fully equipped, Elsa puts a large dildo gag and magic wand into a waterproof bag. Attaching it to one of the straps and now that she was ready, she started the difficult process of sneaking up on Anna without being heard but Anna had a habit of being a deep sleeper. She creeped over to the pool and one step at a time steadily got into the pool.

Once Elsa was at the point where her feet could not touch the bottom of the pool, she began to very quietly swim towards the boat. Her task was made easier by having lots of buoyancy allowing her to take it nice and slowly. Now for the tricky part, climbing into the boat. She would have to be very quick, before Anna could react, taking a deep breath Elsa put her hands on the boat. With a mighty heave she pulled herself up onto the boat, swooping her legs sideways to get fully in. Anna started to stir but Elsa was to quick and she reconnected Anna’s cuffs to the handles and tightening them so it was very difficult for her to undo them.

Anna woke up and after a few moments the sleepiness wore off. Her eyes opened and to her total surprise saw Elsa kneeling in front of her. Anna moaned into her gag and tried to pull her hands towards her but they went nowhere. Elsa’s eyes locked with Anna’s and as she did so, a large grin appeared! Anna wriggled some more but knowing that her sister had taken charge. Desperately watching her sisters every move, Elsa slowly slid her finger onto Anna’s magic wand and turned it on. This was followed by Elsa sliding herself on top of Anna’s crotch where she could feel some of the wands vibrations.

Not being enough for Elsa, she got the wand out of the bag and placed it firmly between her legs and on top of Anna’s crotch. Anna was already being tormented by her wand and realised that is would send her into orgasm heaven. She then watched as she saw Elsa pull the large dildo gag out of the bag, before sliding the end into her mouth and pulling the straps either side of her head, buckling them together at the back.

The sisters can both make muffled moans and with Anna struggling with the relentless vibrations, Elsa pushed the button on the second wand. It was not long before Elsa was on the edge and as for Anna her orgasms were now pretty much continuous. After the first orgasm Elsa puts her hands on the inflator cords of the lifejacket ready to inflate. Gently rubbing herself against the wand she could feel the surge building up rapidly and as she orgasmed letting out a very muffled moan, she pulled down sharply on the cords. The lifejacket inflated, seconds later it was bulging, exciting Elsa still further. The benefit of the tight crotch straps pulled against the packed centre of her crotch.

Both of them could not cope with the relentless high-speed buzzing of the two wands. After multiple orgasms Anna was even more spent than before and as for Elsa, she had lent forwards and laid of Anna. The vast size of the inflated lifejacket meant that Elsa’s head was still over a foot away from Anna’s. However, on Elsa’s dido gag, the dildos tip was much closer to Anna with the length being so long.

Anna could feel every orgasm of Elsa’s as she rocked her body above her as well as feeling the inflatable lifejacket bouncing against her. But Anna loved it, spending time with her sister this way, in bondage with rubber, lifejackets and inflatables. Anna loved it when Elsa was dominating her, although she did think to herself what it would be like to dominate Elsa.

As for Elsa she would love for Anna to take control of her, dominate and play with her. These strong pleasurable thoughts were enough to send her into a wild orgasm. She had just enough energy to undo the clips connecting Anna’s cuffs before squeezing next to her and snuggling together. Anna enjoyed Elsa’s surprise, she knew that she needed to create a surprise that was equally as good.



Will there be a part 3? with maybe sinking the inflatable raft