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Well you have waited long enough. The Living Large Update version of Storage Solutions is now available for download.  As we said in the previous post bugs are expected, so please report any issue you have but bare in mind you may be told that its already known. We will update this post with known issues asap.

Please Note* that the Mods are now in there own folder called FCStudios. Please place this in the BepInEx folder directly.  Also DELETE all other versions of the FCStudios mods if you have them installed.



Kenny Stimson

When you say bepinex folder do you mean "Subnautica/BepInEx" or "Subnautica/BepInEx/plugins"? I only see logs and config options when I put it in /plugins, rather than up a level.

Ray Fournier

Did they ever get back to you? I tried installing FCS a couple of days ago and it crashed my game and now nautilus won't even initialize correctly