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I have a big request for you, Fahmi, and for us all to consider.... I know it is everyone's right - the freedom of expression. However, we can also agree that dialogue is always the best way to resolve disputes. Which means it would be better if we did not resort to swear words (and even symbols, because those are basically words in picture form). Wouldn't it? For example the f word is really offensive. Civil vocabulary both in text and art form is adequately rich, so why would we need to resort to such words? Can we see that with swear words and offensive language, we may be shutting the very door we wish to keep open? We tell our children not to use vulgar words because they are offensive and hurtful, then what reason do we give ourselves that we need them in our own vocabulary?? As I said at the beginning - this is a request to consider - a move to keep to civil language.


Not trolling but I suppose he is walking the talk ie being himself and not conforming to what others/society dictates ✌️