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Lebih 1,500 orang join sesi livestream tayangan perdana dokumentari video pendek "Fahmi Reza: Seni Sebagai Senjata" di TapauTV malam tadi. Buat geng yang sempat join sekali, apa pandangan korang pasal video tu dan pasal sesi temuramah malam tadi?


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quality video semalam lagi clear, lagi colourful drpd earlier Zoom session, pakai Discord ke?


Loved the video and enjoyed (more like learnt a lot from) the interview (cth: what to do kalau kena tangkap, and didn't know of the doco you made on what happened pre-merdeka, nanti nak tgk). Also setuju dgn commenter atas tu, kalau ada series of protest-related doco that would be amazing. Looking fwd to joining livechat nanti to hear more of your thoughts & experiences!


Thanks for your feedback! Boleh join the next livechat session hari Sabtu nanti. Kau boleh tonton dokumentari lama aku "10 Tahun Sebelum Merdeka" di Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Sn3C2QTeRs