Early access (VICE 2020 feature): Najib found guilty of corruption (Patreon)
2020-12-28 10:21:07
Grafik ni aku buat untuk bulan Julai 2020 bila Najib didapati bersalah oleh Mahkamah Tinggi atas kesemua tujuh pertuduhan korupsi dan salah guna kuasa dalam kes penyelewengan RM42 juta dana SRC International, dan dijatuhkan hukuman denda RM210 juta dan 12 tahun penjara.
VICE mintak aku bagi satu quote pasal reaksi aku bila dapat berita ni untuk mereka masukkan dalam story mereka, dan mintak aku masukkan sekali gambar aku dalam grafik pasal keputusan kes Najib ni.
Ini quote yang aku bagi VICE:
This verdict can be seen as a win for all artists, activists and people fighting against corruption in this country. It brings us one step closer towards getting some justice, but the fight against corruption and kleptocracy is far from being over. The laws that were used by Najib to harass and intimidate me and other activists are still there. We still have a long way to go if we want to end the culture of impunity and corruption in Malaysia.