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Hey everyone!!

So to celebrate Pokemon Sun and Moon's release I thought I'd do something different for a stream which I hope to hold tomorrow-- (we ordered the games off Amazon so I doubt they'll come same day, so I'll need something to pass the time..... lmao). This will count as 1 of 2 of this month's streams!

So basically what I'm gonna do is that based off your pledge, instead of Vote Power I'm going to give you Suggestion Power! That means you can suggest that many Pokemon, and then from the created list I'll randomize them during the stream! You can only suggest specific Pokemon and not evolutionary lines, so pick wisely! In addition, I'm still trying to stay spoiler free so you cannot suggest any of the new Pokemon from the new game! Thanks for respecting those wishes.

Comment below with your suggestions! If you're not into Pokemon and have nothing to suggest but would like to participate, give me an element, letter, anything! (even a combination of random things?) and I'll pick a random Pokemon based off your parameters!

Suggestion Power:

$2 Tier: +1

$5 Tier: +2

$10 Tier: +3

$20/40 Tier: +4


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