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Happy New Year 2017!

 With new year just starting I'd loke to try something completely new :) I have an idea to create a set of 12  fully finished painted artworks, one for each month, featuring the horoscope signs as horses. In my imagination I see the horses in full gallop with silky flowy manes ad with sparkly stars/clouds/endless seas around them - almost divine creatures! 

I had this idea in my mind for few years, it was comming back to it as the years were comming to an end, but always I was too busy to really involve myself with such big project. I hope that Patreon will allow me to made this dream come true at last.

How would it work:

I will do one artworks per month for the whole year.  Each month I'd give the artwork as a wallpaper for you and by the end of the year all the artworks will become a calendar. I might try to offer it in some online shop and also simply on Deviantart. 

I would like to let you decide the theme for each month and the look of the horse,   (the coat, markings,  accessories). Each patron will get one vote with propositions of the details and later I'll pick the best ideas. There is not many of us, so we'd not need to do a pool or anything yet ^^

There is only one trouble - and is is that there is not many of You who would like to support me and even if I greatly appreciate it I so I am afraid  if is not enough to made this project working. I'll do the first month for sure and see if there will be at least few more people who would like to support this idea. If you would be so nice, please spread the word, I would love it to become true <3



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