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Hi guys! ❤

 I have some nice characters to vote on for this month's fanarts. I hope I am giving you decent characters and it won't be too easy of a choice :> Thank you for all the awesome suggestions!

I am adding my Chilli's to the poll this time, in case you'd like to see some art with her as well I'll be happy to serve UwU


The character with majority of your votes will be featured on fully detailed Patreon Pinup, second in row will be done as Fanart Friday.



I predict and overwhelming Chilli victory :3


Would be nice to see some Tawna


Looks like you guys gave me my B-Day gift a week earlier by picking my Chilli for this month's patreon pinup Thank you SO MUCH! and the second character, for fanart friday is the amazing Vicar Amelia - I am so looking forward to draw both of them!