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Let's pick the character for this month artwork. It will probably be a summery-ish themed art, but we'll decide that on another poll!

I'm adding you link to all arts with my Sophie you suggested to be added to the poll:



Need to see more of your sheep <:


We all know your OC will win, they always do. Doubt it'll be feminine with her. I'd wish the other three luck, but Sophie got too many votes for that!

aomori (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-16 20:32:42 Thank you guys for picking Sophie! I gave her some strong competitors so I am even more happy that she won <3 And the theme for her will be sunbathing, which I am looking forward very much. Goth sheep on the sun will be an interesting sight
2021-08-13 08:26:24 Thank you guys for picking Sophie! I gave her some strong competitors so I am even more happy that she won <3 And the theme for her will be sunbathing, which I am looking forward very much. Goth sheep on the sun will be an interesting sight

Thank you guys for picking Sophie! I gave her some strong competitors so I am even more happy that she won <3 And the theme for her will be sunbathing, which I am looking forward very much. Goth sheep on the sun will be an interesting sight