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You maybe noticed that I am not very much online chatting and submitting arts but on my side I am trying to complete as much commissions as I can >:) A lot of you received and still will receive WIPs of your pieces, so you won't be left barehanded.

My goal is to have done as much as possible before my transfer to our new home (where most probably I won't have a calm place to draw for some time. I hope to set up my temporary office on the unfinished part of the first floor as soon as we will be connected to the electric grid.

I will keep you updated when time comes, the move is planned for 10th of July so there is still some time.

Thank you for all your support and patience with me during this time ❤️



Good luck with the move, Ao!


Good luck! I'm sure everything will go smoothly~


Wish you well with the move!


It will take some effort, but it will be so nice to have it finally done :)


I'm sure the kids would like to help, right? haha Been a long while since you all began the move. I know it will go well in the end, will be worth the effort.


yeah, they will be 'helping' a lo lmao. Most of the time by being bored and asking for things they can play with while we'll be trying to move all the belongings gathered in last few yeas. Omg, I am already tired when I thin of it x_X