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Returining to the old idea of Nearyh, with her Dragon Age characters as tarot cards. Very much inspired by the original art style from the game. I once made 'death' now it is time for 'the fool'. I scribbled some ideas and so far the best one is above (but all that is gold will be changed to silver ...or changed with other color)

original fool I used as inspiration looks like that:


...what explains the '0', sun behind and blue for the sky, and the rose of course (yes, that scribbled mess in her upper hand is a rose!) In one of the cketches I even suggested a bag (the 'stick' she is holding. Who would guess without me saying that? ;D)

Some other ideas:




Tym razem ja jestem problematyczna i marudząca, moja kolej!! xD Jestem bardzo zadowolona ze szkicu i nie mogę się doczekać, jak to ostatecznie wyjdzie. <3 No i Kiara zapowiada się doskonale. Postaram się już nie być bardzo problematyczną. xD


This is kinda cool actually. I really like the dragon age-esque graffiti style! Well done!


These are really neat! I like the big bold fields of color and the design elements incorporated in them. Very nice!


e, musisz się bardziej postarać z tym marudzeniem ;) Dziękuję bardzo za miłe słowa, ja też jestem bardzo pozytywnie nastawiona na ten art i już dziś wysłałam Ci coś na telegram!


thank you <3 The style of graphics in DA is amazing, I was staring at the artworks way too ling when playing the game. It is such a great fun to try to do something similar


thank you very much <3 It is hard to learn to use so many patterns and textures when I do not do it very often on daily basis. But a lot of fun too!