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Sketching some more artworks for the logos. Remember the Daisy Duck? It got accepted, hurray! :D I started cooperation with Prouder, (http://prouder.no/) we signed the contract and I will be making around 5 of the artwork for them per month.

Probably I will not be able to finish the whole set for January but I made some sketches at least :) (because of the Vanguary and other commissions that are already started. Seems my official commissions are going to be delayed even more? >_>

themes I was asked to do:

1: bitchy sexy girl (I prefer blonde, but who knows what will be picked)

2: mondaze baby (lol :D)

3: pretty girl with diamond details




A na czym właściwie polega ta... firma? xD Also, laska z diamentami śliczna. <3




oni zbierają zlecenia od ludzi i przesyłają je do artystów takich jak ja. Ja kontaktuję się już tylko z prouderem, nie muszę sama ustalać co jak i kiedy :) W sumie fajny układ i jaka różnorodność zleceń!


Thank you! I am very happy, it seems to be a very interesting cooperation, such big variety! :D