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Woop woop, my first take on alternative theme (of sorts)! It was sort of experiment, let me know your thoughts! I'm quite happy how it turned out.

Little announcement: In (not so distant) future, I plan to start second Patreon with sci-fi/futuristic/alternative battlemaps. At first, it will be smaller project than this, more chill, to see how it goes and if we work well together. I don't want to mix current flow and themes of maps you are used to, with something completely new, therefore I decided it will be separate project from this. Thank you to all, that decided to vote in a poll regarding that! Stay tuned, will have more info upcoming.

At first, you aren't quite sure what your eyes are seeing. A great mass of metal and alloys, bound together by decades-old greenery, that could be easily mistaken for ruins. Remains of an ancient civilization, perhaps? However, a closer look reveals the more astonishing nature of this construction...  

A vehicle? Golem of sorts? Perhaps a part of a more complex system that has been lost to the currents of past, never to be used again. As you get closer the air fills with the sound of whirling and low moan of old cogs moving back into place. It seems like there's a fight ahead still...


Adept Journalist Download: - 1 -

Apprentice Storyteller Download: - 1 -

Globetrotter Cartographer and Experienced Traveller Download: - 1 - PDF -

Experienced Traveller FoundryVTT Download: - 1 -

If you are on Experienced Traveller tier, the regular map pack and PDF pack will be available for you through Globetrotter Cartographer Master Post (as seen above).

Thank you for your support! I believe these maps will enrich your journey and create some unforgettable adventures!  Any feedback is extremely welcomed.

If you would like to see specific variations in future or have any ideas in how I can make this experience even better for you, please let me know.




This is so cool!