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Howdy folks!

It's last map of this year. Looking back it's been eventful one, especially from private perspective for me. As some of you may remember, most of the year I was actually on maternity leave, my little Banshee just turned 1 year old last month. It's definitely more difficult to accommodate work into baby schedule, but I think it turned out quite good!

I appreciate all of you that decided to stay with me through this time, that decided to join me in this journey and support me.

Let's hope New Year brings us new joy, ideas and adventures! Perhaps some new projects? ;) Who knows!

PS. Yes, I know you are waiting for siege battlemap, based on last poll, hahah! Stay tuned, it's coming next month!

When Happy Siren left for her maiden voyage, nobody expected the great tragedy that would befall its crew. It was years before any word of her fate came back to the port cities - a chilling tale, repeated by seasoned sailors and landlubbers alike, over a mug of murky ale.   

The rumors claimed that Siren's captain foolishly decided to go off the beaten path in search of some mysterious treasure that could be found on the nearby island. However, what awaited there was not gold, gems or magical artifacts, but a white dragon, angered at the intrusion on its territory. With a blast of its cold breath, the dragon froze the entire crew solid, leaving Siren as a grim warning for anyone else who'd ever dare to repeat this mistake.


Adept Journalist Download: - 1 -

Apprentice Storyteller Download: - 1 -

Globetrotter Cartographer and Experienced Traveller Download: - 1 - PDF -

Experienced Traveller FoundryVTT Download: - 1 -

If you are on Experienced Traveller tier, the regular map pack and PDF pack will be available for you through Globetrotter Cartographer Master Post (as seen above).

Thank you for your support! I believe these maps will enrich your journey and create some unforgettable adventures!  Any feedback is extremely welcomed.

If you would like to see specific variations in future or have any ideas in how I can make this experience even better for you, please let me know.



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