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May all blessings be with you!

It's almost Yule season! How do you feel about it? Preparing these gingerbread cookies and other yummies? Did you dig out your favorite sweaters and get stock piled cocoa?

Christmas Market is favorite time of year for local people, both young and old. They get to meet there and spend festive time in friendly, cozy atmosphere, chatting and enjoying hot cocoa along with some marshmallows and all kinds of gingerbread treats.

For children there are some activities as well, like singing contest or creating the most unusual snowman or ice figure. For all travellers passing by, there surely will be a cozy, warm spot to enjoy themselves for a moment, and perhaps find some treasures in local stalls, that can only be purchased during this time of year.


Adept Journalist Download: - 1 -

Apprentice Storyteller Download: - 1 -

Globetrotter Cartographer and Experienced Traveller Download: - 1 - PDF 1 - PDF 2 -

Experienced Traveller FoundryVTT Download: - 1 -

If you are on Experienced Traveller tier, the regular map pack and PDF pack will be available for you through Globetrotter Cartographer Master Post (as seen above).

Lovely ambience sounds have been made by Adventure Music, check out their work, it's wonderful.

Thank you for your support! I believe these maps will enrich your journey and create some unforgettable adventures!

Any feedback is extremely welcomed. If you would like to see specific variations in future or have any ideas in how I can make this experience even better for you, please let me know.

Here is the preview of the tier rewards for this map:



Heiner de Wendt

This is SO cute and cozy! Especially love the statue of the violinist. Beautiful detail, and so well done I can almost hear the music playing. I'm sure this map will be part of many Christmas adventures 😁