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Hello folks!

I would like to tell you about the adventure that my work has been part of, more specifically Oriental Inn, Path to The Crystal Cave and Astrologer's Library. It's been a pleasure and great appreciation to have my work shown in such skilled piece of writing!

The adventure is a piece created by Kelfecil's Tales, very creative and enthusiastic folks, who just love to share their vivid worlds with other adventurers to enjoy them.

Besides my work, the adventure features also battlemaps from Moonlight Maps and Mona Finden, so please check out their work as it's definitely worth it.

Few things to know about the piece itself:

- recommended average party level is 8 to 10

- the adventure setting is Asian-styled, with elements of Japanese folklore, in cold and snowy outdoor environment

- it takes approximately 9 hours to finish (can be split in x3 sessions per 3 hours)

