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This isn't the most comprehensive step by step, but the question I get asked the most is probably "how did you do that background?"

The short answer, when it comes to fan art I'm not making money with, is to do a photobash or if I'm feeling very lazy, use a raw screenshot from the game or movie! I've included some fan art of my characters from FFXIV that all use this same method. 

  • When I have my idea in mind, I usually start with the background. I find it much easier to draw a character into the scene than draw the background around them. 
  • I edit/mash/add details and light I need to get it looking like I need. Gradients and soft airbrushes are very useful for colour in this stage-- hard lines and edges between colours draw our eye, so softer or blurred transitions will help it feel coherent and less distracting. 
  • Adding the figure comes next. Most of the time I wing it, but if I have the perfect pose reference for the scene, it makes life easier! Shading on the figure is usually crisp and high contrast-- this is where I want your attention! 
  • Finally I go over with some colour adjustments, darken or blur areas I don't want to be in focus, and add any addition effects such as snow, motion blur, or pops of detail and light.



Jack Newbill

Always a sucker for lady-muscles!


I love how you match the values and the lighting, it's just *chefs kiss*