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Happy New Year, patrons, it’s good to be back! I’m kicking off January with some character artwork: two central figures from Tourney, a story & illustration project to indulge my love of fantasy knights, joust, and romance. 

Arthur, The Winter Prince (in regalia of scarlet and sea green) is the captain of House Briar’s tournament team and heir to the realm. There are heavy expectations on his shoulders and the tournament- a contest of jousting, single combat, archery and a grand melee- will prove to be a welcome chance to prove his skills and compete on common ground with the noble houses he’ll one day rule.

Taron of Raven Hill (sable black and grey regalia) is a trusted knight of House Sciro who rose from common folk to be a capable knight and commander. He’s already had his mettle tested in conflict, but the house he serves remains dogged by rumour and suspicion of witchcraft. He’s not the captain of his house team, but he’s by far the best combatant on the field.

Unfortunately for the heir to the realm and the knight of a pariah house, they happened to fall in love not too long ago.

You can read more about the competing houses here! 


