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It's ELDEN RING time! 

Some sketches of my Tarnished, Cohle (a confessor with way too much Faith stat and not enough Vigour). I'm adoring the game so far. It's so atmospheric and intriguing. I'm terrible at the combat, but the motivation to discover this game's secrets is keeping me going. 

Not to worry about spoilers- the first image of each post containing any clues or spoils for story/NPCs will contain a sign so you can give the post a miss if you choose. 

And some CSP material! I've been really inspired so far and cooked up some gradient maps to use in Clips Studio Paint. 

To use these, download the material from this link directly into your CSP and follow the directions in the thumbnail image above to load them into your Gradient Map window- they're good for tinting sketches and artwork, try experimenting with layer modes too!




the way ive been waiting for this ever since you teased it on twitter like 👁👃👁 love your tarnished design <333 (esp the part where the tattoo seems to emit magic? very cool!) definitely will give the maps a try for my own >:3c


thanks korny!! With the tattoo and confessor/inquisitor vibes Ive been super intrigued by the idea of Erd Tree magic/grace, but IDK if it was put on him willingly or not yet 👀


Great introduction to the man, love the fluffy armor and his overall design, simply wonderful, hope you continue to enjoy the game!