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I redrew a piece from 2018 of my star wars character, Mir Soko. She’s a zeltron imperial agent and I played a pretty unholy amount of that game. I drew a fair few things too. I wasn’t sure if I liked the redo as much as the original, but I can’t argue with progress 💪




this was one of my favourite pieces of yours back when you posted it! It's really neat to see them side by side, your grasp of form is really improved without compromising on the expression imo. Will always miss soko


love the higher contrast between lights and shadows, and the warm tones of the bg vs her cool ones, makes it all the more dramatic! 🥰


Thanks so much, Korny!! You always leave the most encouraging feedback on artwork, colour and comp are something I’ve really tried to push the last few years


Thank you so much! Thats something that can be so gradual to improve through practice, Im so happy it shows