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I’ve struck up a new D&D game recently and been thinking a lot about my longest running character, a drow Paladin. She began with the name Sol, adopted from the surface priest who sheltered her after her exile from the Underdark, and later began to use her true name of Halei too. 

She started out with an oath of vengeance and over the course of the story she took up a new oath of the ancient, as well as some levels in warlock. She was a former general of the drow, an arbiter of Tyr, and eventually the wife of a lovely tiefling bard named Aviva.

While she wasn’t my first ever D&D character, she was the first I played through an entire story with, thanks to the DM (my dear friend Evan, hi Evan) and 5 other players. 




Love her story and what an amazing artistic rendition of her! Love the plants around her and the color. Beautiful work!


Absolutely gorgeous!