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This Adventure Pack includes:

  • 16-Page Adventure PDF
  • 2 New Monsters
  • 1 New Magic Item
  • 1 Full-Color VTT Map
  • 5 VTT Tokens

Curse of Serpent's Rest

Once a revered high priestess serving an obscure snake deity, Etilia of Tidewater was transformed into a medusa as punishment for her attempts to steal divine power. Banished and deformed, she sought refuge in Mourning Marsh, where she discovered an ancient, half-submerged temple called Lunis's Rest. Etilia corrupted its once-sacred halls with her venomous malice and dark spells, taking the temple as her lair.

This temple was no ordinary ruin; it was originally dedicated to Lunis, a goddess of the moon and rebirth. The temple had been a sanctuary until a mysterious blight tainted the land and rising marsh waters engulfed its grounds, causing its original inhabitants to flee.

In her newfound lair, Etilia inscribed the walls with malevolent glyphs and laid treacherous traps to deter trespassers. Her corrupting influence seeped into the surrounding marsh, altering its native flora and fauna.

As decades turned to centuries, Etilia's dark legend grew, until she was finally defeated by a group of adventurers led by a Paladin named Loradin. Although Loradin fell in battle, his comrades succeeded in decapitating Etilia and sealing her head in an enchanted urn, buried deep within the temple to prevent her return.

Yet, Etilia's malevolent spirit left a lingering influence. The snakes inhabiting the temple evolved into increasingly monstrous forms. One snake, a severed piece of Etilia's own body, mutated to acquire her paralyzing and petrifying abilities. It resides within the temple, cared for by the last of the hisskin warriors still loyal to Etilia, biding its time to bring their mistress back from the cold embrace of the void.

Explorer+ Patrons click HERE to get the Adventure PDF 

Adventurer+ patrons click HERE to get the VTT Token Pack 

Dungeon Master+ Patrons click HERE to download the Digital Map(s) 



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