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This Adventure Pack includes:

  • 15-Page Adventure PDF
  • 1 VTT Ready Battlemaps from The MAD Cartographer
  • 1 New Magic Item
  • 8 new VTT Tokens


The Illuminated Cavern is a Fifth Edition adventure for three to five characters of 9th to 11th level and optimized for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 10. A cavern filled with glowing mushrooms holds a dark secret and a cult bent on summing horrifying creatures from the depths of the void. A missing research team could be the key to saving the nearby town from its grip of madness, but will the adventurers make it in time to stop the cult from summoning their army of monsters?

This adventure takes place in the Freelands campaign setting and easily fits into an existing campaign with only a few name changes and modifications.


Deep in the heart of the wilderness lies a vast and sprawling network of caves, long forgotten by the world above. The caves are said to be home to many wonders and mysteries, from glowing mushrooms to glittering pools of crystal-clear water.But these caves also have a dark past. Legends say that centuries ago, a great and powerful wizard known as Drexel sought to harness the magic of the caves for his own twisted purposes.

Drexel believed that the caves held the key to unlocking the planes and summoning the moon's fey goddess. With dark and forbidden rituals, Drexel summoned creatures from beyond the veil, creatures of darkness and shadow that served his every whim while he looked to bring the goddess to the Material Plane. As his power grew, so too did his madness, and the caves became a place of terror and death.

But Drexel's reign of terror was not to last. A group of brave adventurers banded together to stop him, led by a powerful sorceress named Lyra. After a fierce battle, Lyra sealed Drexel and his minions away in a pocket dimension, where they would remain trapped for eternity. But the damage was done, and the rift they created was not completely sealed. Fey spores made their way through and grew into a network of mushrooms that poisoned the waters. And recently, reports have surfaced of strange happenings in the caves. A team of researchers has gone missing, and a cult is on the rise, looking to tap into the old rift and the Void Plane.

Explorer+ Patrons click HERE to get the Adventure PDF 

Adventurer+ patrons click HERE to get the VTT Token Pack

Dungeon Master+ Patrons click HERE to download the VTT Ready Digital Map Pack



Michael Gasser

The token pack and map pack seem to both link to the map pack


technically the zip from the adventurer link did have the tokens, i just named it incorrectly lol fixed now, thanks for the heads up!