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Hey everyone! As much as I've been trying to get caught up these past few weeks, it just hasn't been able to happen yet, so I'm pausing the patreon once again for August. 

I know we charged for July, and you will still be getting the content from Crucible and at least two more adventures, but I don't want to charge anyone until I'm back up to full speed. 

Long story short, after some major life changes in this past year I had to pick up side projects in order to make ends meet and get financially stable again. This has left me with limited time for making content for patreon and I'm trying to find the proper balance. I do appreciate everyone's patience! 

~ TJ




Take your time we will be here.


I have so much content from you… that if you need to take a break… don’t sweat it. This patreon is an amazing value and if you need a few months I will still be here. Thank you for all your hard work!!