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bandits move into an abandoned druid enclave, unaware of the twisted horror trapped below

Thornwalker's Fury

Thornwalker’s Fury is a Fifth Edition adventure intended for three to five characters of 5th to 6th level and optimized for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 6. An old druid enclave hides a dangerous creature locked away deep underground. A crew of bandits has moved in, and it’s only a matter of time before they find the danger beneath their feet. This adventure takes place in the Freelands campaign setting but fits into any existing campaign with a mystical forest with only a few modifications and name changes. 


The Shimmering Forest once spread across the entire continent of Astaria, an untouched woodland filled with extraordinary creatures and plant life. The forest once spread across the whole continent of Astaria, a wild woodland filled with fantastic beasts. The Thornwalkers were a group of dedicated druids who were not afraid to experiment with nature.

No one knows what happened to the Thornwalkers; some say they scattered to the winds and were never heard from again, others that they fell victim to their hubris and their creations ate them. However, they left behind their hidden outstation, where remnants of their experimentations still reside. A bandit crew that stalked the nearby roadways stumbled into this enclave, and it's now their base of operations to conduct their raids. 

The bandits do not know that there is an even greater danger lurking below in the hidden depths below the outstation—a fury-filled creature created to be a weapon of pure destructive force against the forest’s enemies. It has waited centuries to appease its bloodlust, and the magic blocking its cell has almost weakened enough to let it free.

Adventure Summary

The characters arrive at an ancient druidic enclave hidden in the Shimmering Forest. They find a crew of bandits with strange plants and a ritual puzzle chamber. They learn that the outstation was once used for experimentation on plants and animal life, turning them into living weapons of war. A kidnapped herbalist recounts how the bandits took her to help them with the puzzle room and tame the living plant life. The puzzle room protects a secret prison, where a mutated creature has been locked away for thousands of years, waiting to unleash its fury upon the world.


Explorer+ Patrons click HERE to download the Adventure PDF 


Dungeon Master+ Patrons click HERE to download the VTT Map Pack 



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