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Use your silver tongue and become a master of disguise to talk or sneak your way past anyone without needing to shed a single drop of blood. Convince even the most adamant of foes that you're actually their friend!

Roguish Archetype

At 3rd level, a Rogue gains the Roguish Archetype feature that defines the talents in which they excel. The following Con Artist option is available to you when you make that choice. It grants features at 3rd level and again at 9th, 13th, and 17th level.

Con Artist

Anyone with a quick hand can cut a coin purse from a passing merchant, but only a true con artist can get that same merchant to hand it over with a smile. Brooding assassins and second-story men must do their work in the shadows while the con artists use their wits and charm during the daylight. Through years of studying, you can play any role from beggar to noble, gaining the trust of your mark before disappearing without a trace, loot in hand. You are a master of the cold read, a virtuoso of disguise, and the stuff of legends the bards sing in taverns across the land.


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