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The origins of the sentient plant lifeform known as nemreth are a mystery. A single host has enough spores to form armies under the control of a hivemind driven only by hunger and a desire to survive. Only one option exists when the reanimated corpses home to these spores are seen—run. Infected nemreth hosts vary in size and appearance and are typically humanoid corpses. While the nemreth can speak telepathically, it sees all living creatures as little more than meat and potential hosts.

Spore Strength. Whenever nemreth hosts are in close proximity to each other, their life force is combined. While an individual host can be destroyed quickly, the danger lies in when they turn into a pack.

Hive Mind. Although the nemreth may be divided into individual hosts, it remains a single sentient creature. When confronted with mind-altering spells and effects, each host has their mental resistance combined with others in the pack.

Toxic Spores. Virus-like nemreth spores are highly contagious and quickly take over a fresh corpse to bolster the nemreth pack.

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So this monster plays beautifully! I'm running Expedition to Barrier Peak updated for 5e. Vegypygmies turned out to be a logistical nightmare, bogged down game play on so many levels. I went looking for a replacement that fit in the story. Four of these hit the sweet spot. They did significant damage to my min-maxed Paladin player and forced the whole party to retreat and barricade themselves to stratigize combat options. Even then it took them a while to problem solve the creatures. Thank you!