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Brand of Winter’s Heart

Weapon (light hammer), uncommon

This branding iron’s handle is wrapped in leather and its metal is always cold, no matter the temperature. While wielding this brand, you have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. The brand has 4 charges, and it regains 1d3+1 expended charges daily at dawn. You may choose to spend one charge to heal instead of damage a target you hit with an attack. This has no effect on undead or constructs. Attacks made against willing targets are made with advantage. A target healed in this way is branded for 24 hours with a snowflake that is cold to the touch and gains resistance to cold damage until the end of its next turn.


During the time of winter’s embrace, the world goes through a period of painful healing. This concept is embodied in the branding irons wielded by the priests of the goddess of winter. Striding through battlefields, they lay their icy brand on the flesh of friend and foe alike, bringing both relief and misery.

Adventurer+ Tier Patrons can grab the magic item card HERE. 



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