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Armor of the Hunter

Light armor (leather armor), very rare (requires attunement)

This armor is stitched together from the hides of various exotic animals and adorned with their teeth, claws, and fur. You have a +1 bonus to AC and advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks while wearing this armor.

The armor has 3 charges. While wearing the armor, you can expend a charge as a bonus action to cast hunter’s mark through it. The armor regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.


Kervan the Hunter was widely known for going toe to toe with the fiercest of beasts. A man of few words, he spoke little of his adventures, but the claws and furs on his armor were constantly being replaced with tougher specimens. The meat and skins he brought into town to trade for supplies were crucial to the townsfolk to survive the harsh winters, and the sight of his monstrous armor was a welcome one wherever he traveled.

Adventurer+ Tier Patrons can get the magic item card HERE. 



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