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Down the Demon Well is a Fifth Edition duet adventure intended for <B>one to two characters of 1st to 2nd level</b> and is optimized for <b>one 1st level character with a sidekick</b>. Characters who complete this adventure should earn enough experience to reach level 2. An old well hides a local demon cult’s secret hideout, and a little boy has fallen in and exposed them. This adventure is setting agnostic and fits into any existing campaign with an abandoned well in a small village. 



The countryside village of Ashwood is a quiet place with a dark secret: it’s home to a nest of demon-summoning cultists. The cult has been meeting in a secret underground basement beneath the local tavern, studying an evil book and summoning demons. They have gone unnoticed for decades until a child accidentally discovers the back door to their lair when he falls down an old well.

About the Cultists

Melceth Farsoar was a well-loved resident of Ashwood who spent his entire life in the sleepy town. He was the local tavern owner, a brewer of the best ale this side of the Shimmering Forest, a long-time bachelor, and a warlock who practiced his magic in a secret bunker he made under his tavern. 

As the years passed, Malceth would take on a few students to follow in his footsteps. After his passing, they continued teaching themselves the dark arts, taking over the tavern and the hidden lair. Calling themselves the Order of Melceth in honor of their original teacher, they are small in number, but their power is growing.

Most of the cultists have no wishes to cause harm to the rest of the villagers and quietly seek to study to relieve them of their boredom. However, Erika Persil recently joined the Order with much darker desires — she has even killed a traveler and used his remains in a blood ritual, hiding it from the others.



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