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For January 2021 the theme was JUNGLE and here we have the culmination of the month's work!

Coming in at 21 pages packed full of a multi-session sandbox-style adventure set on a mysterious jungle island, this is our biggest adventure yet! Taking your party all the way through level 8 and partway through level 9, the island can be reused and expanded on to create a complete campaign setting.


The Rising Tempest is a Fifth Edition adventure intended for three to six characters of 7th to 9th level and is optimized for a party of four characters with an average party level (APL) of 8. Characters who complete this adventure will earn enough experience to reach the 9th level and a quarter of the way to the 10th level. A lava dragon and her brood have made a volcano on a jungle island their new home. The volcano is now building to erupt and it threatens the island inhabitants with extinction. This adventure is set in the Freelands campaign setting but can be adapted to fit any campaign that has a jungle island with an active volcano.


The lava dragon Sogot, Lady of Fire, has brought her wyrmlings to the volcano on the island of Mahatol. She was driven from her home by a band of adventurers and sought a new refuge for her children to grow. Finding the volcano on Mahatol was mostly an accident; she was not expecting to find anything so far out into the ocean. She is now licking her wounds and recovering while her wyrmlings timidly explore the area.

Mahatol lies far beyond the shores of civilization, covered in a lush jungle teeming with life and untouched by the modern world. The volcano has become more active with each passing day since the arrival of Sogot and her children. The island’s tribal inhabitants are unaware of the lava dragon’s influence, but they instinctively recognize the signs that an eruption is brewing. Confrontations with the other jungle tribes and creatures are becoming more frequent and violent as well.

About Mahatol Island

Over a thousand years have passed, and no one remembers the ancient halfling civilization of the Abedalor. What they lacked in stature, they more than made up for in their breadth of knowledge and power. They combined magic and technology to produce an advanced way of life for all. No one truly knows what happened to them but something terrible happened; their cities sunk into the oceans or were buried under rubble. The few buildings that survived are being reclaimed by the jungle.

Built atop one of those ruins is the Ashinka tribal village. The lizardfolk tribe knows very little about the Abedolar outside of carvings and some relics that they have found over the years. They have little knowledge of the world outside of their island home beyond the occasional shipwreck that washes ashore.

The descendants of the Abedalor do not resemble their ancestors in any way. Vicious and constantly warring among themselves, the A’Bola halflings have turned to barbaric cannibalism. The La’Tor are a tribe of halfling weretigers that hunt other humanoids for sport. The three tribes have been warring on the island for generations.


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