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November 2020 - Adventurer Tier Exclusive

Temple of Forgotten Demons is an adventure made for a party of three to five adventurers of 2nd to 4th level; it’s optimized for four adventurers with an average party level (APL) of 3. It’s been written and designed to fit into any setting with only minor changes. By the end of the adventure, if the party completely clears out the Temple of demons, they will reach level 4. Feel free to use the content as is or plug-and-play with it in your own campaign! You have ultimate control of how this story will be played out so, as always, have fun with it!


An ancient temple dedicated to evil and thought lost to time, has been stumbled upon by a group of local village children. While most of the protective wards keeping the devils trapped inside still hold, others are weakening and now are about to fail completely, allowing some of them to escape. It’s only a matter of time before they are able to widen the cracks and create a much bigger hole. 

The devils are desperate to be free, including Vogrich, a devil who will do anything to break through the bars of his cell. He has ordered the lesser demons in the temple to bring him someone to open the gates and the children who have stumbled their way in are in far more danger than they know.

New Magic Item - Summoning Portal - Lesser Devil



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