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Tower of the Mad Wizard is an adventure made for a party of three to five adventurers of 6th to 8th level; it’s optimized for four adventurers with an average party level (APL) of 7. It’s been written using the Freelands campaign setting but is designed to fit into any setting with only minor changes. Feel free to use the content as is or plug-and-play with it in your own campaign! You have ultimate control of how this story will be played out so, as always, have fun with it!

Story Overview

Something has been affecting the creatures and wildlife living in the countryside along the trade routes leading to the city of Port Ryker. People traveling through the Shimmering Forest and the Verdant Hills tell tales of twisted animals and plant life, attacking travelers as they journey to the city. More and more travelers are coming in with the same tale and fear is mounting among the citizens. Even the bandits who frequent the city seem to be shaken.

Legends tell of a mage that lives in a tower filled with mystical creatures near the Shimmering Forest. The stories say he has lived there for centuries conducting experiments and the people are worried that these creatures are the escaped results. The Council of Merchants from Port Ryker have sent parties to investigate but none have returned.


Part II of the Lords of Madness Series takes the adventurers on a wild ride through the elemental planes! Coming in at 15 action-packed pages and with 7 full-color battle maps, there's a lot of adventure here!



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