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1) Creating A Monster (Maureen's Story):  With 20 pages complete so far, I've got about ten pages to go to finish it off. That'll put it at about 120-130 images and it will be up for sale on lulu.com around the middle of April.

2) Razor vs. Mariana: 77 images for 41 pages are complete so far, and I've probably got another 20-25 pages to go. Work on this slowed down considerably while I worked on the Maureen Story, which ended up being larger than I expected. Still, I should have this ready to go on sale around the middle of May. 

3) 100,000 (DeviantArt Anniversary): 3 pages are done of about 10 total. They should all be done in the first week of April

4) Lightweight Tournament: The first two fights are complete so far, at 5 pages apiece. My plan is to put them on sale to the public in 3 sets: The first set will contain the first four preliminary fights in the tournament, the second set will contain the four quarterfinal matches, and the third set will contain the semifinals and the championship match. I plan to have the first set of four fights on sale by the end of May.

5)Unannounced Multimedia Story: Surprise! The idea for this came together over the past few days. There's only about 10 images to it total, but there's a lot more writing involved than my other work. I already have 5 images done, and I should have the rest done by the end of the week. I've teamed up with someone for this one (Hint: It's gonna sound great) and I'll share more when we have a better idea of a release date.

6) Melly vs. Katsumi Animation: Unfortunately, I am extremely far behind on what I thought I could do on this. I'm getting closer to my goal of purchasing a second computer for rendering animation, so I'm going to come back to this project once that happens.

7) Tag-Team Fights: I probably won't be doing much with this until Summer. I have everyone paired up into teams, but I don't have all the team names figured out yet. I'll put out profiles for each team in the next week or so and probably a couple of polls after that with a question about uniforms and which teams everyone would like to see in action, and then we'll go from there.


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