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Spiros Bozikis

See I absolutely love this. It's cool that most of the cast of characters are women and I know you don't like doing male characters as we discussed before but the occasional man in a story really enhances it and makes it more realistic (given that the fanbase for any of these topless female boxing leagues would mostly be men anyway). The sleazy promoter, or the boyfriend/husband who's also a pro or ex-pro fighter, or the boyfriend who's not in the biz and wants his girl to quit because she gets KOed a lot, the obsessed guy fan looking for autographs, son who wants his past her prime foxy boxer single mom to retire, the occasional corner man, old grizzled vet Mills Lane type referee etc., occasionally/sparringly thrown in the mix would really enhance the story. Because it's not likely that they're all 100% lesbians (not that as your fans we complain about the lesbian action anyway LOL).