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I've had this idea floating around in my head about having a fight out on the ocean in "international waters," (Thank The Simpsons for that one,) but I never came across anything big enough to make a suitable arena. Until I came across this shipping tanker.

This made me think of a story using Reggie Ross, the fighter that knocked Gwen Carmichael out to win the heavyweight title, only to have the belt stripped from her and be banned from boxing after testing positive for every performance-enhancing drug known to man. I'd originally thought of this as a story for Patti, since Ross was the one who gave her her first loss (of many,) but I'm now thinking it might be a better vehicle for Gwen.

I tweaked Gwen's look a bit, softened her so she's not absolutely shredded and veiny, and bulked her up a little. She doesn't have the edge in speed like she used to, so she's focusing more on power and durability. 




I've thought about a foxy boxing tourney on a cruise ship before, but the idea of a fight on a freighter is very interesting.


My thought is that it's been remodeled to be an floating arena for the ultra-wealthy.