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It's been close to a year since I've done this, and I'd been holding off on doing it until I got the new video card, but now that I have it's time for a bit of a vacation. Not really from working on things and posting, but from the monthly deadline grind of getting X number of pages done every month. Also, I want to spend some time working outside on the house a bit before it gets too hot to enjoy being out there.

So: all patrons who are or remain signed up through the end of May will not be automatically charged on June 1st. I'm going to try to get a good chunk of the May rewards done by the end of this month, but some of it probably won't get finished until sometime in June. If you had planned on cancelling before the end of this month, wait until after June 1st so you have access to the June posts.

As for what will be posted in June? A lot of tests and experiments, and maybe a short story or 2. I'm hoping to build some larger sets and arenas for future stories, and really push what the new card is capable of.

Thanks again to everyone for your support!



Enjoy your time off, when you decide to take it. :)