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Spiros Bozikis

Very sexy between rounds sequence, I can see my OC Busty Betty's corner man doing that between rounds of a topless bout when she's takin' an ass whoopin'. By the way, I think I forgot to mention, Gwen looks sexy as hell in those white with gold trim, g-string, foxy boxing trunks, and the metallic gold gloves and her personalized logo in the crotch area are a nice touch as well. I also love the way past her prime but still sexy look (sorta like an aging stripper or porn star who still has something left). Great update on this particular character overall!


I want Melly to move up in rank and take on Busty

Spiros Bozikis

Well Betty's one of my characters not AF Combat's (although he has 3D rendered her before). But ultimately, if Busty Betty were part of this roster of fighters, Melly would likely be the higher ranked fighter and would likely knock Busty the F---- out if they ever fought. I've written Betty to be a win some/lose some type of fighter who is a tune up opponent/punching bag for the top contenders and world champs.