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Still playing around with the "Real Housewives" idea. I like inverting the "Trophy wives that take up boxing" trope into up-and-coming boxers that became trophy wives. Their lives both followed the same track: In their mid-20s they both got title shots at Mariana Bautista when she was just starting her title reign and got destroyed. Since they didn't see another chance at the title coming anytime soon they decided to retire, ending up married to older men looking for arm-candy. They're in their early-to-mid-30s now, the "alphas" of their own cliques on separate coasts, and one ends up moving out west on to the other's turf. 

I wanted them to have really short hair back when they were competing, so being able to grow their hair out like that now represents something important to them. For them, having their hair cut off like that a bit at a time is a real punishment.




Sounds like a great idea!


nice backview from the dragon