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Another G8 upgrade. I'd made a previous Random Rumble about the college system a while back, and the release of a college letter jacket and outfit made me want to revisit it in a little more detail. The Beaver Boxing logo I'd made as a joke for reasons I can't remember months ago, and thought it'd be funny to work in. 

Bianca is one of those characters I didn't have many ideas for except as an enemy for Melly, but she seemed like a perfect fit for the sorority circuit. It might be interesting to do a story about her there someday.  



Spiros Bozikis

Intercollegiate foxy boxing! I've dabbled with a couple commissions on DA like that before. By the way, I love that the college foxy boxing team is named the beavers LOL.


BOOOOOO!!! As president of Melly's Marauders I move that Bianca not only be BANNED for LIFE from the WTFBA and WTTBA but that she ALSO be banned from collegiate boxing. However, I am a merciful leader and will allow Bianca to slug it out on the bedring circuit!