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If you have any questions about the course, please leave them below! 

The course is nearing completion and the first 10+ hours are available now.


Q: Is this the same as your Udemy course?

A: No this is a completely seperate course. Different assets, we use C++, and make an entirely different game. 

Q: Why release this on patreon?

A: Unfortunately Udemy pays me less than $5 for each course sale. Patreon allows me to make a fair amount from this course. I'd like to spend less time working and spend more time creating content instead :)

Q: How long is the course?

A: The course is 40 videos long.

Q: What does the course cover?

A: We'll build an online, networked survival game, running on a dedicated server using steam for matchmaking. I will show you how to do absolutely everything from scratch.

Q: Do I need to know C++?

A: Technically no, however the course will be much easier and more useful if you understand the basics first.

Q: What assets come with the course?

A: A fully rigged Modular character which we will be using to build our modular clothing system, along with 3 weapon meshes, ammo boxes, clothing pickup meshes, and a load of textures/materials. 



Would you recommend using the same engine version as you for this course?


Yes, I would say follow his version for the tutorial and then recreate the entire project in the newest version as an exercise.


I just joined an this course and I cannot get the Uproject file to generate the visual studio project file. I did try the trick at the end of the first video and it still doesn't give me an option for it. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling everything as well and still can't get it to work.