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Starting to post rewards, will update as soon as each one is completed, terrible and crazy week, but I'm healthy and kicking which is nice, just uberly tired...

See you with updates in some hours.

NOTE: Almost forgot, rewards are upgraded to 4k resolution now too!




Thats pure gold! OmG Nera is hot as Hell but oh My god The Cook and Noira look so wholesome!! Wow pure art! And the Queens oh the Queens! They look so lovely that I'm gonna die! Simply one of the Best rewards I've seen thanks for this Masterpieces !


Nera is so squishy. I could just eat her up! Good to see you're okay too. Be sure not to overwork yourself. I know it'll be worth the wait! ^^


The patron who requested Noira X The Cook said "i'd like some adult wholesomeness please"