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Another week another waifu for you! 

Also from Final Fantasy, but this time from FFIX, she is petite, cute, and delicious but also, strong-minded, kind and driven, make way for the Queen, Garnet Til Alexandros is here!

If you played FFIX (if you haven't, I recommend it) you may already know this lady very well, Princess from the start of the game but Queen at the end, however we all know that's not her most important job, *breathless in surprise* wait... what!?

She is a summoner and any FF player knows how powerful a summoner can be, *evil grin* specially if you got your backup summoner girl Eiko and go dual summon the almighty ALEXANDER to wipe, mop and polish the floor with none other than the king of the dragons BAHAMUT himself!, yesss she is THAT powerful, but, as powerful as she is as a summoner, her true power lies in her kind heart, her benevolence, which along with her strong will makes her a great queen, (and with her new, wider curves, the sexiest one too!).

During the game you can see how Garnet grows, makes choices, (both good and bad), and takes responsability for them, turning those events into experience and learning from them, she eventually picks a nickname for herself, "Dagger" taking it from Zidane's weapon and by the end of the game she is bolder, stronger, wiser and resolved, but she never loses her softer side, like her kind heart or the warm feelings she keeps for others, in fact those feelings only grow even more stronger for those around her (specially for Zidane) now that's a waifu for me! 

If you like a true lady who can handle POWER and never lose herself in it, then the lovely Garnet is the waifu for you! 

I hope you like her and remember to leave some love for her on the comments, see you on the next waifu, cheers!

