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The Waifu List is back! and this time is made up ENTIRELY of supporters and viewers picks. 

Oh and this time we don't have the usual 11 seats for 11 waifus , we have 3 times the usual ladies so expect to see 33 waifus this time! now... to open this chapter we have a lady that represents the desires, wishes, fantasies and even tears (lots of tears) of many who met her back in 1997 and still love her now in 2020 the "Flower Girl" the legend herself... Aerith Gainsborough!

Most of you already know Aerith, but for those who don't and plan to play FFVII please STOP reading now *hard spoiler warning* 

Ahhh! Aerith (or Aeris for those who played english FFVII like me), this little lady is waifu material through and through, she is cute, cheerful and gentle but she is also resolute and strong, also very very easy on the eyes, *wink* *wink*  she is the kind of woman you can count on, her loyalty is unshakeable and as an ally in the field of battle her healing skills and her limit breaks are invaluable (specially "Great Gospel"), but... as everything that seems to good to be true... 

Thanks to her unique lineage she is the only one that can use the "White Materia" and if you played the game you must remember that said Materia is the only thing that can stop good ol' Sephiroth from using the "Black Materia" to summon Meteor and... *sighs* oh well, here comes one of the saddest deaths in Final Fantasy history (and the music... god the music just makes it x10 times worst, er... I mean better, better in a bad and emotional way, you get me right?) 

But oh well, at the end she reunites with Zack in the afterlife and that's great because she looks happy and our boy Zack too, they'll be watching over Cloud and Tifa while they're getting it on for sure! those naughty, voyeuring... *ahem* If you love a pretty, perky, sassy lady full of warm feelings for you then, the delicious and petite Aerith is the waifu for you! be sure to leave some good love for her in the comments.

Changes: I always perceived Aerith as warm and bountiful not only because of her personality but because her Ancient "Cetra" ancestry, the Cetra are connected to the planet in such a strong way that they can even interact with the "Lifestream" so I though... "maybe her body should reflect that" and you know how it is around here at the Waifu Kitchen, take a couple of things from each of her oufits, mix them well together (including the Remake one), thicc-en up her weapon and add some (in this case a LOT) of Thicc Spices and DONE!

Hope you like her and I'll see you on the next one, cheers!




Wow just wooowww! She looks lovely and beautiful , thanks a Lot for this Masterpiece Also i'm glad fullbody is back ! Afterall You can appreciate all her details , i'm up to see what's comin also very excited about this new format including that beautiful effects as background! Great Job and thanks for keeping the T H I C C charming growing !


She honestly looks amazing in your style. It perfectly captures her essence while retaining your signature charm and beauty!