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November Reward  No. 5

Heavenly Virtue: Sariel VS Deadly Sin of Greed: Mammon in a pole dance battle to decide who is the sexiest!

Choose your side, Heaven or Hell?

Hope you like it! 




Look at it this way: Heaven and Hell are both dummy thicc, but Heaven's the better long-term investment. Also, Charity's probably a more giving lover than Greed.


Oh Yeahhhhh!! Wow this is so great! Can´t be thankful enough for this great piece! Thanks a lot Waifusmith! Loved all the detailed work on their faces and also those horns on mammon are cool as hell! and of course the THICC oh.. the THICCCCC!!!!!!!!!! Great way to start 2020 with two great waifus! thanks again and I hope you have an excellent year Sir!

Jonathan Lambert

I CHOOSE BOTH!!!! I WILL SIN AND CONFESS MY SINS FOR FORGIVENESS OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!! And I'll ask Mamon to be my financial adviser so I can be rich from investments.

jo holloway

the answer is "yes!"


Sorry I haven't written any comments in the past days mate, but I took a long Christmas vacation dedicated exclusively to sleep, food and video games :D but everything looks damn great!!!! a good thing is that I got a lot of images in one day :B